

VAfrica open platform for Africa, focusing on socio-economic and cultural projects.

VAfrica spans Africa and the world linking grass roots organisations and individuals. Providing support in the form of media services, internet access and project management. VAfrica does this in a variety of ways by bring cultures together, creating networks cultural festivals and educational programmes.

VAfrica is a bridge between Africa and the world, focusing mainly on the relationship between Africa and the UK. VAfrica creates a platform for the youth, Creatives, Business and grass roots organisations of Africa. Our first projects launched in 2013 With Zimlink, Inphotopia with great success followed by Lawilink and Uprise Albinism in 2015 and London to Freetown in 2019/20. With the recent changes in the world, we now have an opportunity to build a strong foundation in cities, towns and villages across Africa. African Nations have all the skills, resources and vision to shape global communities. VAfrica offers a unique opportunity in the form of; Training open to all socio-economic groups, Online magazines that promote Ideas and creativity. VAfrica can create links and improve upon existing structures between NGO’s, grass roots organisations, Business and government.

In 2015 VAfrica set up an organisation in Malawi Lawilink in an 18-month period Lawilink operated southern region of Malawi through University student volunteers (Blantyre polytechnic) also the community volunteers from Ndirande, Pholombe & the surrounding areas. Creating partnerships between the private sector government and NGOs in the UK, Malawi & Zimbabwe. This project was funded at cost of £105,000.00 with a £30,000.00 return. Lawilink generated new employment opportunities, contributed to government policy, supported the set of new business/organisations and conducted virous educational/training programmes. VAfrica with cross party support from the governments of the UK and the participating African nations will raise funds to create hub’s across Africa, using the experience’s we gained on the model’s created in the UK, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

In 2019 VAfrica launched “London to Freetown” connecting artists across the world with North West Africa, driving from London England to Freetown Sierra Leone. Linking artists, poets and creatives from the north west coast of Africa to creatives around the world. promoting art and culture between North West Africa; Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone and the world, forming on going links with creatives. Launch event in leak Street London with the focus on artists in the UK. Followed by, a ten-week journey across west coast of Africa exchanging creative media from the UK, Europe and America with creatives on the West coast of Africa. Promotion of artists via news media, social West media and websites. On the journey we will creating a 40 min documentary. Poems stores images and video to be shown in exhibitions in the UK and Africa with sustainable opportunities for all creatives involved. Bringing together an international team of creatives who otherwise would not have the means or support to work in Africa. On route artist Adrian Ekenhall will produce a series of work detailing elements of West Africa for the return exhibition.

VAfrica works together with African Union nations and the African Economic communities; AMU, CEN-SAD, COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD and SADC. To facilitate cultural awareness and socio-economic opportunities and platforms for free thinkers and creatives. Africa is the Largest continent on the planet, with an area: 30.37 million km², 20 percent of the worlds land mass is Africa. A population of 1.216 billion (2016).

VAfrica gives opportunities to all, there is a need for the world to be at peace with Africa at its heart. So much of Africa’s history has been pushed to one side and subverted. As we travel and build the VAfrica programmes one of the objectives is to record the stories music poems before they are lost and tell the stories the world is missing.



Create a platform for projects to operate in Africa through a mutual exchange of information, nurturing skills at national and global level.


VAfrica exists to be the largest platform of its kind through training and inclusion of the marginalised society.


VAfrica is a media non-profit, nonpartisan organisation. The core business of VAfrica is to empower and civic educate the masses through high-quality low-cost media services and support for the marginalised of society. VAfrica supports grass roots organisations & communities utilising; film production, websites, social media & articles while promoting the rights of the citizenry. VAfrica is representing the marginalized regardless of social status in the society. Currently the organization is operating across the world, through University student volunteers, community volunteers, business and an assortment of other professional volunteers. VAfrica has a board of directors that provide policy direction & board of trusties overseeing the practices. The executive management and part time staff that are involved in the daily affairs of the organization and community volunteers that are involved in the implementation of particular organized activities on social cross-cutting issues. VAfrica has professional accounts staff that overseer financial transactions of the organization.


  1. Provide low cost in media services, film production and websites
  2. Train, educate and monitoring to all age groups irrespective of sex culture or ability
  3. Online magazine made up of contributions from volunteers
  4. Teach in schools, colleges and universities
  5. Empower and include VAfrica principles
  6. Always remain neutral, non-political and non-religious where representing all groups in the global community
  7. Fully support the free exchange of information and knowledge such that our content is openly shared
  8. Support open copyright on all materials and promote this at every opportunity
  9. Support human rights and cross-cutting issues
  10. Support good governance
  11. Youth empowerment
  12. Capacity building/technical orientation and skills training
  13. Civic education at all levels
  14. Advocacy on environment and women development


  1. Training in video camera handling, still/mobile video shooting
  2. Advertising (designing and marketing)
  3. Events coverage
  4. www.VAfrica.org
  5. Youth empowerment
  6. Human rights
  7. Workshops
  8. Festivals
  9. Women’s rights

AREA OF OPERATION (geographical coverage)

VAfrica has in the past 5 years concentrated its activities Malawi, UK & Zimbabwe. VAfrica is now is widening its approach to encompass the North West of Africa


  1. Set up NGO in Malawi, Registered with the Registrar General’s office & CONGOMA
  2. Set up a limited company (Malawi)
  3. Set up Limited company/ not for profit (UK)
  4. Trained Blantyre polytechnic students in filming and photographer
  5. Trained students on how handle video cameras and video shooting
  6. Provided career talks in both primary and secondary schools (UK/Malawi)
  7. Provided presentations community groups (UK/Zimbabwe/Malawi)
  8. Interviewed public figures & grass roots organisations
  9. Coverage of events such sports games, traditional village advocacy meetings & cultural ceremonies.
  10. Introduced Lawilink & Zimlink online magazines & Facebook pages with over 40,000 & 6000 users respectively.
  11. Creation of the Zimlink & Lawilink image archives with over 600,000 views.
  12. Conducted Two festivals for people with Albinism in (Phalombe Malawi).
  13. Working and employing with youths from the deprived community of Ndirande (Malawi).
  14. Providing experience to over 3,000 youths.
  15. Given mentorship & guidance Launching academic and professional careers.
  16. Working in partnership with Amnesty International to change national policy on persons with Albinism
  17. Set up the www.uprisealbinism.org project & web site.
  18. Filming and presentation to the rural community in Shurugwi Zimbabwe
  19. Coverage of UK Zimbabwe events such as Zimfest, Zim Cup Clashand Zim Achivers
  20. Working in with Gondwana group throughout Namibia
  21. Set up Sport Africa, a sports platform for young presenters and journalists
  22. Created a television series MBC Malawia
  23. Worked in partnership with other media companies and organisations
  24. Over 2,000 documenters and articles
  25. Promotion and creation of citizen journalists
  26. Documentary Miplio Central Hospital
  27. Documentary Women’s football Zimbabwe
  28. Black History Month at Westminster in partnership with Africa 4 u
  29. Set up the LONDON TO FREETOWN project

CHALLENGES                    Lack of stable funding


  1. Set up Hubs across Africa
  2. increase Inphotopia turn over as a limited company to provide funds for the non-profit arm.
  3. Activating new projects on crossing cutting issues (climate change, persons with albinism, human rights and women and girl empowerment).
  4. Staff development in various skills (upgrading).
  5. Raise more financial resources through advertising and proposal development.
  6. Strengthen the advertising section for more income and sustainability of VAfrica activities.
  7. Conduct annual general meetings with VAfrica members.
  8. Conduct board meetings for effective good governance.
  9. Establish international & regional offices for wider geographical coverage.
  10. Youth mentoring focus on young men and women.